
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow day!

Ok, I know your thinking snow isn't that big of a deal. But it is to me! Being born and raised in Austin, TX snow is a very rare thing for me to see! Ever so often we get ice but snow not so much. The forecasters had been talking about an "arctic front" with a possibility of snow flurries :)  I got super excited!! I have a friend who does weather forecasting for the military so I kept bugging him about the changes of snow. As it got closer the chances looked pretty good. Although the weather did try to fake us out Sunday it was warm and sunny! I ran errands in shorts and flip flops but as the saying goes "If you don't like the weather wait a minute, it'll change". No really it will! By Tuesday it was getting cold and the arctic front was moving in :) As it moved in the changes of snow started getting better. They were guessing some time Thursday night we'd get anywhere from 1/2 to 1 inch and that was enough for me. I was so excited about the chance of snow I left the blinds to my sliding glass door open and I kept looking out the window for any signs of flurries (hope my neighbors didn't think I was crazy).  I started seeing rumors on facebook (don't judge me! You know you get half your news from fb too) about flurries just north of me.  I texted my sister but she said it was just sleet so far. I waited up as long as I could but since I had to be up at 5am I had to trust the forecasters that it would snow over night and still be there when I woke up. I think Friday was one of the first mornings that I've actually fully woken up when my alarm went off at 4:50. I looked out my window and everything was covered in snow!!! I was so excited!! All of the local schools had closed so I knew work would be canceled, bonus!
I have a 5:30am crossfit class on Fridays and I hadn't gotten a text from my coach, Nikki, saying class was canceled so I got ready and very slowly made my way to class. There were 5 of us that braved the weather and came to work out. We even went outside and did a few burpees in the snow to prove it :)
There is also a video somewhere, but I don't have it.
I then went back home to spend the rest of the day "snowed in". Because we had sleet fall before the snow the roads had a nice layer of ice as well. So as people drove around it packed down the snow and brought out the ice. I'm willing to admit that I don't have any winter driving skills so I stayed home till the snow/ice melted.
snow covered sidewalk at the gym
Snow covered cars even after driving

Snow covering the apartment complex.

Snow on my balcony!

 Being at home didn't stop me from enjoying the snow. I even made a small snowman on the hood of my car!
I didn't have the typical sticks for arms or coal for the eyes but I did have craft supplies! So my snowman had pompoms for the face and buttons, floral wire arms, ribbon scarf, and my nieces ribbon bow instead of a hat. Not to bad for a snowman made on a whim! I tweeted that picture with the hashtag #ATXsnow that the local paper had created it to track the snow shenanigans. And they asked me if they could post my picture on their webpage other other readers pictures from the snow day. It was kind of fun to see my picture among the other 300+ photos.
A little after lunch it started to warm up and I went to check on the fate of my snowman. I was a little sad to discovered it had slid off the hood of my car and was in pieces :( I might have lasted longer if I had made it in the shade but it would have melted no matter what. It was fun while it lasted though.
I bid the snow farewell and went back to my cleaning, movie watching, coffee drinking and nap taking. I love my snow day :)

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